Which of the Two is More Offensive to God? Murder or Hate?

The answer is hate.  Neither is right, is but "hate" is the opposite of the very core of who God is. Jesus is love; and once again, hate is totally diabolical to the very nature of God. You can not be in the presence of an Almighty God with hate in your heart. It is not going to happen. Donald Trump has given your permission to relish hate in your heart; God will never find hatred okay; He can't. But your god is Trump, and believe me Jesus Christ knows that.

Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him. 1 John 3:15

Donald Trump is a very evil man; he is vulgar, wicked and vile. Do you really want to lose your right to vote? Donald Trump prostitutes the name of Jesus, with no real love for Him, and has no relationship with God whatsoever. Trump does not care about anyone but himself. He could care less about you, Israel, abortion, crime, or even this country. He is a convicted felon, a rapist, a child molester, a liar, committed financial crimes and treason against this country. 

Deep down you know it's true, you know it. Oh, how you know it. He is the ambassador for the hatred in your heart; he spews out the hateful and racists feelings that resides in your heart. He says what you dare not say; all the well allowing the façade in your heart that your a good  Christian. One man had divided this country, and has weakened our position all over the world. But hatred rules your heart, and your true God is Satan.  There will be a price to pay for your hate; in this world in the world to come.

If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 1 John 1:6

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